Power of Time: Part 3

It’s go time! It’s time to go! Let’s go, it’s time! Time is a powerful influence on our lives. It dictates working, eating, sleeping, exercising, socializing, and really every part of our lives. Time causes us to feel stressed or…

Power of Time: Part 2

My day started out completely unfocused and demotivated. It felt like walking through six-inches of mud in high top tennis shoes. (Yes, I have done that.) I would like to blame it on daylight savings, but that would be deflecting…

Power of Time: Part 1

As a new manager, Jordan was excellent at facilitating team and one-on-one decision-making meetings. Her boss praised her for creating an environment of mutual trust, open sharing, creativity, and energy. However, Jordan was continually disappointed in the output of the…

Pain Free Group Decision Making & Planning

Group decision-making and planning does not have to be painful, time-consuming, and unproductive. There is a simple process you can follow to make this experience enjoyable, efficient, and productive. This experience involves three primary steps. Start with What What? Hasn’t…

Terrible Leader

Recently, I asked participants in a leadership workshop to think about types of terrible leaders and give them a catchy name. We had a delightful interaction defining, and mildly joking about, the disruptive behaviors that are exhibited by some people…

Handling Curves

This past Spring I was inspired to get my motorcycle license. I was motived by a desire to increase my skills in this activity and also to spend time with my dad who has been riding and rebuilding motorcycles most…

Ideas Intermingle

On August 4, 2017, my co-facilitators and I were completing the last day of a leadership academy in Bangalore, India with a group of fourteen thoughtful, energetic, and talented people. As I watched the group collaboratively interact together in pursuit…